Independent Writer, Public and Media Relations
"Seeking Peace Communication"
My visitors and friends who have visited or those who have just dropped by for the first time . I am Jannerson Girsang the owner of this blog, would like you to know more about myself. I was born in a village and now live in Medan, Capital City of North Sumatra. From an isolated village to an unlimited view of great world, that is my life story.
You may not believe that although I am Indonesian, I could not speak Indonesian well until 16. In the morning, I went to school and later in the afternoon, worked at farm (ladang), looked around : only mountain, mountain limited my view. I knew only less than 5 kilometer from the place where I stood. We used Simalungun language--a specific language of one of five Batak sub-etcnics in school and home. This is to describe how isolated my village was.
When I left my village in 1977, there was no telephone, no electricity. Transportation was only once a day served by truck, and one a week by bus. I was born in Nagasaribu—a small village near Lake Toba—a largest lake in South East Asia. It is included in the administrative of North Sumatra province, Indonesia.
Of course, it has been very different now. My village has been served by electricity, mobile telephone and better transportation. I myself live in Medan since 1990, after spent nine years in Jakarta and West Java and four years in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra.
My grand father and parent are Christian and I am Christian. In Medan, in front, beside and back of my house are Moslem of several ethnics. Different environment with my village where all population are Christian, however we can respect each other. We live together in peace and harmony.
After completion my undegraduate at noticed agricultural university in Java, I entered work place with unique story of jobs and experiences. Experiencing 4 times of lay off (PHK), because the companies where I worked were bankrupt/closed. I have also experiences in some institution to refusing of extending my contract with some reasons.
You can imagine, how hard is my life, and how I have to struggle with changes of work environment and competencies! However, I tell you every people has their own life and way to struggle. Every people are different, like different DNA they have. However, I have unique way to enjoy my life, not to blame the situation.
Graduated from Bogor Agriculture Institute, IPB Bogor in 1985, I have worked for several offices with different scope of works--soil survey in West Java, lecturer in soil science, acting rector of a private university when I was still 27, reporter, economic assistant in a foreign consulate general in Medan, data management in telecommunication company, managed reporting (ACT International)and aids distribution (Yayasan Tanggul Bencana, YTBI) for Tsunami and Earth Quake survivor in Aceh. As Program Manager at YTBI, I managed almost 200 staff and 5 Program Managers with different back ground of religion and ethnic.
I have lived for several weeks in each provinces of Sumatra, observed economic and societies in all part of Sumatra. For two years (2005-2006), some times I lived in isolated area of Aceh, met and worked together with friendly and open of Moslem Acehnese.
During the period, I have produced general economic progress for several years for companies. Between 2005-2006, I wrote report from Tsunami and Earth Quake locations in Aceh and Nias for ACT International in Geneva (as Information Officer) and Yayasan Tanggul Bencana (as Program Manager).
My report can still be read on,, http://www.reliefweb.intl, and others
In offices--where I ever worked, I met and worked together with American, Dutch,France, German, Canadian, Finnish, British, Indian, Arabic, Acehnese, Javanese, etc.
I can communicate in written and spoken English, and some local language (Sunda, Batak, little Aceh Language, Littel Nias). I learn the culture of many people from different ethnic, nations, and religion.
I have to see and share with people and make them friend. My friend (quoted a book) once said : "You have to add at least 10 new close people every year. To whom you can call and share". It is very simple to say but very hard to realize. Now I am entering my 49. I shoud have 490 people to call and share.
In my point of view, the statement is to maintain and improve my networking. Make people around me happy. In fact, I have broad network in Sumatra island and also in other places, but not all I can call and share every day.
I received short training in leadership (Manila), management (strategic planning, middle management in company, disaster management in Jakarta), telecommunication for non-engineer (Singapore), news writing, peace communication, English, interfaith discussion, internet and others.
I read Eight Habits, The Art of Leadership (Manning/Curtis), Complete Publicity Plans (Sandra Beckwith), Gandhi’s Passion the life and legacy of Mahatma Gandhi (Stanley Wolpert), translated to Indonesian as Mahatma Gandhi Sang Penakluk, Google Success Story (David A.Vise), translated to Indonesian as Kisah Sukses Google, Barrack Obama : The Audacity of Hope: Thought on Reclaiming The American Dream (translated to Indonesia as Barack Obama : Dari Jakarta ke Gedung Putih), Poe Shadow : A Novel (translated to Indonesian as Misteri Kematian Poe), Shoe Hok-Gie : A Biography of A Young Indonesian Intellectual (John Maxwell), translated to Indonesian as Shoe Hok Gie: Pergulatan Intelektual Muda Melawan Tirani.
For writing inspiration and tools, I regularly visited several websites :,,,,,,
After 24 years, among North Sumatra people and friends, I am known as writer, public and media relation, campaign consultant, and church activist.
Entering the 21st century, I am concerned to maintain and record value of place and great people by writing biography, autobiography and places when I took traveling. In addition, I prepare press release and media relation for companies, association, institution and individual.
I started to write seriously after 2000, because I believe that writing is to serve people. Spent thousands of hours for writing, writing, without counting per hour salary. Writing is satisfaction in greatness.
When you feel you are nothing, please go to silent room and write. You will get something great!
I have published 12 biographies and autobiographies of a former North Sumatra governor, a former regents and top leader of churches, and others. Some of the books are available at local book stores and libraries in Indonesia or other countries.
This year, I only produced two autobiographies of wife of church leader and former church leader. Satisfaction and greatness generate me energy to work. Some times I have to sell my valuable things to finance my life. I hope 2010 will be more prospect for knowledge workers who seek greatness.
I write articles of economic, social issues, media, women, for local medias (Analisa, Medan Bisnis and Sinar Indonesia Baru), see,, and other local websites and local bulletins.
I gave speeches in leadership and management to the youth, pastors and others in North Sumatra. Some times I am invited to be a jury in local writing competition.
Plan in 2010
I have to complete two biographies.
I am also preparing my parent Golden Marriage Story, that will launch on April 2010 and my experiences in writing 12 biographies and autobiographies. I prepare life story of golden marriage to my beloved mother and father who put high appreciation for greatness.
I will also work as independent consultant in public and media relations for companies, association, institution and individual.
My new concern is to study more the potential internet technology for youth alternative income in a good manner (out of cheating). Internet promises opportunity for youth to run business.
My Specialties:
Good knowledge of Sumatra Island and People. Accepted to work with various level and types of people. I am free to cooperate with all people in the scope of my experiences.
Through my long experience, I have ability to share to the people. Of course, I can not tell you all other valuable thing that I have experienced in this short article. For more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me on :
I like the quotes below:
"Our desires is to unite all human being regardless of race, religion, or political persuasion into one force giving our all, specially for the "very least" among us.
"If we organize ourselves properly and appoint a governing body, and give it the necessary powers, we can assure all humans have the ability to exist with one purpose only: to fulfill the realization of the self. Any body so appointed that can do this for us will gain our gratitude, support, and never-ending acceptance. We would all live much happier and stress-free, and we would begin to respect and honor our government instead of condemn and fight against it".
Since there has never existed such a body, we have to create one ourselves.
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